Picking fruits
  • By the end of May to the middle of June there ends the picking of cherries
  • In June are launched the pickings of early varieties of apricots and early peaches
  • Toward the end of July there starts the gathering of peaches and continues the picking of the subsequent varieties of apricots
  • From the middle of September there begins the harvesting of “Bell golgen” apples and ends with the other varieties at the end of October
  • The month of October is a significant month as then ends the year and at the same time there start the plant protective events for the next year
Events against frost

Instead of smoking with bales the massif is treated with:

  • 0.3% – 0.5% solution of potassium carbonate
  • In addition to this measure, the lanes of arable crops are warmed by incinerating the pruned branches
Events on plums

Immediately after defoliation plums are treated against bacterial wilt with 2% Bordeaux solution.

At the swelling of buds /before bursting/ treatment is carried out against plum shield louse, mites, curls , etc. with 1% copper bicarbonate solution and 2 % garlic extract. Continue reading “Events on plums”


Рruning are an important preventive factor for limiting reproduction of pests and diseases of fruit tree species and for the destruction of the majority of the sources of contamination, which is essential for the conduct of quality protective events for all fruit species. Continue reading “Pruning”

Events for APPLES and PEARS


The goal pursued is to protect apples and pears from most important diseases: Scabby, powdery mildew as well as to prevent falling of blossoms because of infection and early brown rot. These are the most dangerous diseases causing lesions and mass fruit loss. This period is also essential for the fact that by these means of protection we aim at killing the pests having survived the winter frosts, some of the more important of which are: Continue reading “Events for APPLES and PEARS”