The orchard occupies an area of 300 acres. In comparison with the existing arrays it can be classified as a small one. It is not irrigable. The beginning was set in 2001 with reproduction from seeds. No money from the European cohesion funds was used.
The essential differences compared with other fruit plantations should be judged /not by area occupied/ but by the geographical location and the possibilities for the production of environmentally clean fruit, of high quality, which is the only guarantee for perfect health!
Another peculiarity is that peach trees are grown in the apricot massif and are planted as sealing, with an initial intent for use to the end of the production period of the apricot massif.
As a counteraction to the enormous losses, from late colds, ice and frosts in the middle of spring against which man is powerless, the original project underwent a change. In order to maintain the effectiveness of the massif is was necessary for the apricots plants to be cut low with active summer pruning.
The orchard is located in a naturally beautiful place with forest soil. It is away from highways and is at a distance of over 60 km off the industrial areas of the regional cities: Silistra, Dobrich, Shumen, Razgrad, etc., which are the main sources of harmful to the health emissions and gases.
We applied substantial changes in the planting approach, in choosing various kinds and in the specification of the growing of the particular tree species. This means that we radically diverted from the traditional methods used in the production of fruit.
For example: Аs it was indicated above, the peaches are planted, by rooting from seeds, at a distance of one meter, instead of four meters between. Each tree takes over the functions of the one stem branch. Pruning is highly active. The fruit are well lit by the sun and the soil under the trees is shaded, which has proved effective in two aspects – it preserves the moisture and limits the extensive growth of weed.
We significantly enhanced the technology for the production of larger, higher-in-quality, healthy and environmentally clean fruit. Observing these requirements we achieved considerable improvement and the gustatory qualities! In the future we envisage digging wells and using groundwater for irrigation.
Four indicators substantially influence the taste:
- The natural forest soil on which the orchard is located!
- Disregarding the traditional pesticides and their replacement with bioprotective derivatives of plant origin!
- All sorts susceptible to diseases and significantly depending on the particularities of the weather in Northeast Bulgaria are ignored.
- Used fertiliser! In principle neither artificial, nor fertilizers of animal origin are used. Exception is made only for peaches. We use ½ of the standards for nitrogen, which is applied twice in ¼ in cases of heavily defeated by curliness:
1. In the initial stage of vegetation to support the plants in the fight with curliness with peaches.
2. Immediately after the summer pruning of peaches. Around 20-25 August to support the plants in the fruit formation for next year.
The results of the carried out experiments are unique! The fruit produced have an beneficial effect on human health and in most cases have a curative influence! We have uncontested results with peaches and apples!
This is a logical confirmation of the widely known fact that poor and bad foods are the reason for diseases and suffering and vice versa quality foods assist the organism in the protection and his fight against diseases.
We must not forget the words of Hippocrates:
“Let your food be your medicine
And your medicine be your food!”