The regulations of the Council of Europe strongly emphasize the issue of complete exclusion of the use of pesticides in the fight against diseases and enemies in all types of culture plants.
The components of plant and mineral origin, which we use for the treatment of both types of seed and stone-plants, provide opportunities for comprehensive exclusion of those used in the traditional farming with chemical preparations and pesticide protection against diseases and enemies to all fruit species and plants. This is essential for the maintenance of a long-lasting biological balance, thanks to the fact that the useful fauna is not destroyed. Protected from poisoning are also the bees, beneficial insects and mites, game, domestic animals and humans.
We have gained considerable experience in this approach in the preparation of potions, infusions and water-spirit solutions with expressed anti-insect, anti-fungus and repellent effect against rodents, birds and insects (acting in combinations):
- with Bordeaux solution;
- borax (against gray and brown rot in plums);
- urea (against scab on apples);
- sulfur ( for the preparation of sulfur-and-lime solutions);
- alcohol, apple vinegar, baking soda, lime, cooking salt depending on the needs
Plants with a range of actions take important place in their composition:
Insecticide effect – for the destruction of pests and vermin on fruit tree species with: brew from garlic; a water-alcohol solution from the tubers of wild peony; boiled in water leaves of sumac picked during either the flowering or the fruit giving stage; infusion from above ground level part of snake’s milk plant during the flowering stage; decoctions and infusions of tomato leaves. From the ones used only garlic acts fatally on the Colorado beetle. These plants have efficient action against: leaf scale, Daphnia magna, mites, plum and apple fruit worm and apple moth.
The following solutions are used for anti-fungus effect: Bordeaux solution as is the traditional use for the purpose; copper-bicarbonate solution against the gray-brown rot; apple vinegar with the baking soda; a water-alcohol solution and common salt in case of inability to curb curling of the leaves of peaches. Tests have shown that apart from this water-alcohol solution with common salt, there is no other treatment known which in such situation can help the plants.
Water-alcohol solution from the roots of horseradish is used with anti-fungus and insecticide effect against powdery mildew, caterpillars and ticks. -
For repelling effect: chasing and repelling enemies on plants we apply brew from leaves of BLACK ELDERBERRIES against daphnia magna, mites, fruit worm, moths, caterpillars, Forficula auricularia, butterflies and birds;
For phytanthine effect i.e. suppressing the growth of weeds and with healing action on beneficial plants, having regard to the quality and yield of the plants there shall be used a brew from leaves of black aronia picked in June and July , and also buds, blossoms and bark of young twigs;
With antibacterial action against all enemies when necessary a potion of seven herbs is prepared from black acacia, Japanese sophora, thorn apple, marigold, wild peony, verb scum and horseradish. Yet, a more comprehensive research is needed.
Plants for leaf sprays. We have achieved incredible results with infusion from a Мelilotus on watermelons.
The consumption of the sun cooked foods, ecologically clean fruit, with high quality, are guarantee for perfect health!