
The medlar tree is a typical hobby culture, but some farmers set aside some part and for the market.
Medlar fruit contain about 26 – 28 % dry matter, including sugars, organic acids, tannin and quite a lot of pectin (about 1.2%), potassium salts and a number of trace elements – vanadium, zinc, iron, etc.

The medlar neutralizes acid in meat, fish, eggs, fats, bread, walnuts and other foods. It is used for the strengthening of the guts and for treatment of different gastric disorders, against stones in urinal roads and for pain relief in kidney crises. Continue reading “Medlars”

Blue Plums

In the past mainly varieties for drying and for brandy were grown, although the prune fruit are used with success and for the preparation of compotes, jams, fruit jellies and others. The demand for fresh and prune fruit and their cost for domestic needs and for export is increasing, therefore the contribution of yields from personal orchards is of importance. Continue reading “Blue Plums”


The plum is preferred because of its way fewer requirements than the prune and its sure annual fruit production. In content of nutrients and salts competes those of the prune. Fruit are also good for fresh consumption and especially for processing into compotes, nectars, jams, marmalades, pestyl, brandy, etc. Continue reading “Plums”


The fruits of the cherry are one of the most early ripening: certain varieties in Bulgaria ripen even at the end of May. The pleasant taste and the rich content of sugars, acids, mineral salts and vitamins make cherries inestimably wanted for consumption in the fresh state and for processing. Continue reading “Cherry”


Quince fruit have strong and nice aroma and valuable food ingredients. The large content of pectin, combined with the tannin content has simultaneously anti-inflammatory and clamping action. Pectin is particularly valuable, which appears as a kind of “sweeper” to the pathogen and waste products from the intestines of man. Continue reading “Quince”


In the southern latitudes of the temperate zone the pear is one of the most popular fruit species. Its fruit contain valuable food and mineral ingredients.

Pears have gentle and juicy meet, with a pleasant scent. The combination of sugars and acids is good. Certain varieties as the William butter pear are an excellent material for high quality compotes. Continue reading “Pear”


Плодът на прасковата има привлекателна външност и високи вкусови, хранители и и диетични качества.

Continue reading “Peach”


The Apple is the most widely distributed fruit type; it occupies almost 30 % of the area of orchards, in towns and in village yards. It is grown in almost the whole country. This is due to the large and level of its fruitfulness, the lengthy period of ripening for the different varieties, the very good keeping qualities and stability in transportation.

Fresh apple fruit have a high nutritional and dietetic value. They contain from 5 to 23 % easy dissolved sugars, from 0,17 to 1,2 % organic acids, vitamins, pectin, tanning substances and other food ingredients. Continue reading “Apples”


In the past the apricots were grown mainly in vineyards and yards. From single or block planted trees in a number of plots of land near the Danube and the Black sea, there used to be obtained and are still now, very large yields of fruit. The high biological value of the fruit makes them valuable food and dietary and healing substance.

They are recommended for all cardiovascular and liver diseases. Especially appropriate are in cases of potassium shortage in the human body. Raw, sweet nuts are recommended of suffering from breathlessness, breast frog, tuberculosis, against sexual weakness, mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion. Therefore the fruits of the apricot tree are fairly referred to as “Food-medication” and are desirable and necessary for each household. Continue reading “Аpricot”